Stevens Next Thing
A follow up to stevens short_tail
This is essentially a thank you to everyone who played the original game and shared their comments and videos etc. The almost entirely positive reaction was unexpected and a little overwhelming. So I felt like a follow up would be a nice little new years treat.
Now to get to work on a full length Stevens VN :D
More lazytiger stuff @ itch.io / twitter / insta
1. stevens short_tail
2. stevens next_thing
3. stevens episode:3
4. stevens all fours
5. stevens 5.13.2022
Please note web version of the game doesn't run well in Safari. Chrome/Firefox recommended.
spae / wraithdragon / evo crew / Justinforsure / and everyone who took the time to play this or any other lazytiger games! Appreciate you!
made by lazytigermade in renpy
music by walkeroo
sfx by nikorn69 / Blu_150058 / blukotek / giddster / inspectorj / j1987 / el-boss / freesound.org
fonts by jeti (Digital Disco) / DoubleGum (Daydream) / dafont.com
The development went something like this / 26 DEC: vague idea to do a new years based follow up / 27 DEC: indecision and procrastination / 28 DEC: attempting 3 or 4 times to get things rolling but eventually giving up / 29 DEC: sudden resolve and determination resulting in about 90% of the game being made / 30 DEC: polishing it up and sorting out the release.
Click download now to get access to the following files:
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still freaking love Stevens and alina
Haha cheers for the video!
Hello! I enjoyed very much the first game, so I did a playthrough after the second game as well. If you want, you can check it here:
I love how you can spam space or your mouse in the end to the fireworks XD(Cute game btw!)
Haha yeah, can't say I didn't spend a lot of time doing that :D And thanks!
Nice,Also,good job on making the game!(You're welcome!)
I loved it! Really cute, again!And I really like the story.
I can't believe you made another game sorry it took so long to get to it, I just wanted to find some other good games to play with it. It has even better writing than the last one. So many big words. The existential crises that Alina was having, was so funny.
I honestly had a blast, and I hope you enjoy the voice acting in this one as much as the last one! Enjoy!
(Subscribe and Like) - This is optional, Thank you😁
Thank you kindly! Very glad you liked it and def no need to apologise. I thought Alina's existential crises was pretty funny, so I'm glad someone else does too :D
Your VA was *chefs kiss*
I was already subscribed, but I liked, commented and saved. Hopefully that gives the ol' algorithm a decent poke :D
Thank you, it means a lot to me when the devs like the video, and my VA. I don't want to ruin their amazing games.
Also, I couldn't stop laughing when you said "ol' algorithm" 🤣
A perfect follow-up to the first game. Same chill vibes and adorable kitties, and (idek how) I think the dialogue is even better in this one. Great work! I kind of hope we get installments for every holiday now...
Thank your kindlier! And I'll see what I can do :D
this was absolutely delightful!
Glad you liked it, thanks for playing!
i have the original one as my wallpaper, this game is so cute TwT
Really cute and Wholesome :D
Sorry about the audio cutting :(
That was great! Cheers for taking the time to make and share your video! Glad you liked the games!
Played both of stevens stories back to back and what a way to bring in the new year. Loved this & all the best!!
That was awesome! Thankyou!
The first one already had a wonderful little story, but this just enhances everything!
Can opener?
The hairball was a bad choice
good sequel to the first one :)good job on doing this :)
happy new year :)
Cheers! Happy new year to you as well!
This was so cute! Thank you for making it. I also love how you did the credits at the end. <3
Haha cheers! Glad you liked it <3
Hey, what a cute sequel, such a nice surprise. A happy new year to you. Again we had lots of fun. I hope we will see Nip's face soon. What does he look like?
You're welcome, thanks for playing and sharing your video! I have some ideas for how Nip looks, but it's a surprise :D
Thank you for the update and always appreciated content you display on here! Happy New Years Every one!
Thanks for the video!
Thank you for the New Years treat!
what i needed as a sequel to stevens.
Happy to accommodate :D
After finally seeing "The Thing", Steven awaits the next thing to pique his interest. With more cat humor, and his friends Alina and Nip to keep you company you should play Stevens Next Thing!
Whoa! Super speedy video release! Thanks again for your review and recommendation!